
What is the best sleeping position?, Dr. Estivill in Nude Project Podcast #nudeproject



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**The Best Sleeping Position According to Dr. Estivill on the Nude Project Podcast**

In the recent episode of the Nude Project Podcast, Dr. Estivill debunks the belief that the worst sleeping position is on your back, explaining that this may promote breathing difficulties and lead to snoring. According to the expert, the side position is the most suitable for achieving full rest, countering misconceptions about potential health issues when adopting this position.

In the video, Dr. Estivill dispels the idea that lying on one's side can compress the vena cava, which would be harmful. He explains that the rib cage is strong enough to support a person's weight without breaking, even when sleeping on one side of the body.

These arguments by Dr. Estivill invite us to reconsider our beliefs about the ideal sleeping position, demonstrating that adopting a lateral position can be beneficial for sleep quality and overall health. Don't miss this enlightening video that changes the way we view sleeping positions!

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