
Quick Meatloaf with Braised Onions Recipe by Steffen Henssler


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**Quick Meatloaf with Braised Onions Recipe: A Taste Sensation with Steffen Henssler**

Welcome to another episode of Steffen Henssler's quick hits! Today, meatloaf, also known as 'false hare,' is on the menu. Steffen will show us step by step how to prepare this delicious classic.

To begin, Steffen prepares a mixture of ground beef, mustard, eggs, bread crumbs, and milk. Then, chopped onions are sautéed in a pan with some butter. These ingredients are cooked to intensify the flavors.

The meatloaf is seasoned with salt, pepper, and a special spice blend that enhances the taste. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and formed into a meatloaf. It is then wrapped in aluminum foil and placed in the oven.

While the meatloaf is cooking in the oven, Steffen takes care of the braised onions. Thick slices of onions are sautéed in butter and seasoned with spices. A touch of honey gives the onions a special flavor.

Once the meatloaf is cooked through and the onions are braised, they are served together. The meatloaf is sliced and garnished with the braised onions. A feast for the senses!

Steffen also gives us a practical tip: If there is any meatloaf left over, it can be stored cold and enjoyed the next day as a topping for sandwiches. A clever way to use up leftovers!

With this delicious recipe, Steffen creates a delightful meatloaf with braised onions that will surely please any palate. Give it a try and let yourself be delighted by this taste experience!

For all further details, visit Steffen Henssler's website and stay tuned for his next quick hits! Until next time!


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