
Greed Ruined Gaming


gabi belle

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Title: The Comedy of Greed in Gaming: A Recap of 'Greed Ruined Gaming'

Hey gamers, buckle up for a hilarious ride through the chaotic world of quadruple A gaming as portrayed in the video titled 'Greed Ruined Gaming'. Recently, Ubisoft dropped Skull and Bones, a game that promised the world but kind of fell flat on its face. Oh, Ubisoft, when will you learn?

The script of the video highlights the trend of big studios launching games in sorry states, broken, buggy, or downright unplayable. Remember the good old days when games just worked upon release? Yeah, me neither. The video takes a humorous dig at the absurdity of paying $60 or $70 for a game that feels like a cruel joke.

From overworked employees rushing out unfinished games to the rise of predatory microtransactions, it's a wild ride of absurdity. I mean, charging players to refill their ammo in online shooters? Really, John 'rip me off' Richello? That's just next-level greed.

And let's not forget the diabolical move of turning a full game into a modified demo disc or the CEO who thinks players shouldn't really 'own' the games they buy. Oh, the madness of modern gaming!

But fear not, amidst the chaos and greed, there are shining beacons of hope like Red Dead 2 and GTA 5, games that have stood the test of time thanks to Rockstar's dedication to quality. So grab your popcorn (or can of beans) and enjoy the rollercoaster of comedy that is 'Greed Ruined Gaming'.

Remember, in the world of gaming, sometimes it's better to laugh than to cry at the absurdity of it all. Let's hope that the industry learns from its past mistakes and focuses on delivering great gameplay experiences rather than rushing out unfinished products. And who knows, maybe one day we'll see a game that truly lives up to the hype. But until then, let's just sit back, laugh, and enjoy the show

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