
I Built a Fully Vertical Factory That's a 100% Total Nightmare - Satisfactory


Let's Game It Out

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In the latest video from Let's game it out, titled 'I Built a Fully Vertical Factory That's a 100% Total Nightmare - Satisfactory,' Josh takes us on a wild journey through the newly released game Satisfactory. After years in Early Access, the game is finally out, and Josh is ready to dive back in and explore all the new features and challenges.

The video kicks off with Josh humorously pointing out the changes in the game since its early days, showcasing the updated and confusing menu. As he embarks on a new adventure in a brand new world, Josh starts by deconstructing a drop pod for parts and scanning for iron ore, the building blocks of life in the game.

With his quirky humor and reckless creativity, Josh sets out to build the Hub, the heart of his factory. True to his style, he decides to place it in a less conventional location, showcasing his unique approach to gameplay. Along the way, he encounters challenges like dealing with aggressive creatures (replaced with cat faces due to arachnophobia mode) and crafting essential items like iron ingots and rods.

As Josh progresses through the game, he humorously narrates his actions, from upgrading the Hub to unlocking new milestones and building structures. With each milestone reached, Josh's factory grows, introducing new components like smelters, power lines, and more. His factory starts taking shape, complete with a 'crying corner' and even a bed chamber with a top bunk and a toilet that he playfully interacts with.

The video is a delightful mix of gaming expertise, creativity, and comedic narration, showcasing Josh's unique approach to gameplay. His witty commentary and unconventional strategies make the gameplay entertaining to watch, highlighting the fun and chaos that ensues in his vertical factory nightmare.

Overall, the video provides a hilarious and engaging look at Satisfactory through the eyes of Let's game it out, making it a must-watch for fans of gaming content filled with humor, creativity, and chaos

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