
Bad Landlord



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In the midst of the chaotic world that is renting property, there exists a humorous yet frustrating tale of two clueless tenants and their encounters with the infamous Mark The Landlord. Picture this: a craphole duplex, two mischievous lads, and a landlord with a penchant for unannounced inspections. Welcome to the world of 'Bad Landlord'!

Our story begins with a duo named... well, let’s call them Misadventure and Brewski. These two lived in a duplex straight out of a nightmare, owned by none other than Mark The Landlord – the epitome of landlordish behavior. Mark was not your average landlord; he was like the Sherlock Holmes of sniffing out tenant mischief.

Misadventure and Brewski, being the merry troublemakers they were, constantly found themselves in hot water with the notorious Mark. From impromptu inspections to accusations of smoking up the place, these two were always on thin ice. But the pinnacle of their misfortune came with the infamous #GarbageGate2009 incident.

Imagine Mark storming into the duplex, only to discover a mountain of garbage piled up behind the back door like a mini landfill. The excuse? Blame it on the “piece of shit neighbor downstairs” – a classic move in the realm of tenant excuses.

And just when things couldn’t get weirder, enter Mark’s crackhead brother, the “pill-head” maintenance man with sticky fingers. This guy had a knack for disappearing boxes of childhood toys faster than you could say “rent check”.

But the final straw that broke the camel’s back? The water being shut off, leaving poor Misadventure pondering the meaning of life sans shower. Enough was enough! It was time to bid adieu to the duplex of chaos and seek greener pastures.

The twisted escapades of Misadventure and Brewski may serve as a cautionary tale for tenants everywhere. Remember, folks, comedy may ensue when dealing with a Bad Landlord, but perhaps it’s best to steer clear of dumpster-sized messes and possibly thieving maintenance men. As for Misadventure and Brewski, they may have moved on, but the legend of Mark The Landlord lives on in the hilarious memories of #GarbageGate2009 and beyond

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