
Dana White GOES BALLISTIC on Strickland vs Costa Judging


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Title: Dana White Expresses Outrage Over Strickland vs Costa Judging in Fiery Post-Fight Rant

In a heated post-fight interview, UFC President Dana White did not hold back his frustrations over the controversial judging in the Sean Strickland vs Paulo Costa co-main event. White, known for his passionate reactions to questionable decisions in MMA, went ballistic as he criticized the judges and expressed disbelief over the outcome.

Following Strickland's victory over Costa, White immediately addressed the bizarre scorecard that favored Costa. 'It wasn't weird, it was [expletive] nuts is what it was,' White exclaimed. He bluntly called for the removal of the judge responsible, suggesting that they should be relegated to officiating minor league fights to work on their judgment skills.

White's frustration peaked as he questioned how anyone could have scored the fight as a split decision. 'It's insane that guy shouldn't be judging big fights,' White passionately declared. His displeasure with the judging was clear as he emphasized the lack of credibility in the decision-making process.

When asked about Strickland's performance, White praised the fighter for executing a flawless game plan against Costa. Reflecting on Costa's inability to engage in the fight as he usually does, White commended Strickland for withstanding Costa's fierce leg kicks and utilizing his own skills effectively.

Regarding Costa's performance, White addressed Joe Rogan's commentary during the broadcast about Costa's lack of confidence since his loss to Israel Adesanya. White acknowledged the shift in Costa's fighting style but also expected Costa to bring a more aggressive approach to the bout. White attributed Strickland's unorthodox style as a significant factor that threw Costa off his game.

In conclusion, White's fiery post-fight rant captured the intensity and disappointment surrounding the judging of the Strickland vs Costa matchup. His impassioned critique of the judging panel and analysis of the fighters' performances underscored the high-stakes nature of UFC fights and the impact of controversial decisions. The sports world will undoubtedly await further reactions and potential changes following White's vocal displeasure over the judging controversy

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