
POLICE IS STOPPING ME! 🚔🚨 | Berlin to NYC | Cyborg Season '24 #4 | Arda Saatci


Arda Saatçi

This video has been trending in Germany, and Austria

**POLICE STOPPED ME! 🚔🚨| From Berlin to NYC | Cyborg Season '24 #4 | Adra Saatci**

Always on the move - Day 7 of our epic journey from Berlin to New York! With each stage, we come closer to our destination and overcome countless obstacles. Today, a particularly challenging route with steep ascents and descents awaits us. But we won't let anything stand in our way!

The day starts freezing cold, but with our determination and an extra t-shirt under our jacket, we are ready to face the challenges ahead. Having already covered 300 km, our motivation remains unbroken. Our break in SRA is a welcome retreat from the cutting wind and icy temperatures outside.

Every kilometer we cover brings us closer to our goal. The landscape changes, the elevation gains are challenging, but we do our best to enjoy every step. Like a wildfire, the energy spreads through our veins as we tackle the rocky paths, being careful not to stumble.

With each step, we grow stronger, adapting to the exertion and mentally rewarding ourselves with each milestone achieved. Germany is already behind us, France, Spain, and Portugal are yet to be conquered. America, the great Pancake Tower of calories, awaits us on the horizon.

The challenges may be significant, but we are ready to face them. Day by day, we continue our journey, always motivated, always determined. The hardships, the efforts, they only make us stronger. And at the end of the day, we can be proud of all that we have accomplished.

[Music, Applause] A journey full of adventure, full of determination, full of passion. These experiences will stay with us forever. Because no matter what we encounter on our path - we are ready to face it and emerge as winners!

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