
What if you drained the oceans?


xkcd's What If?

This video has been trending in United Kingdom, Canada, United States, and Papua New Guinea

Title: The Science Behind 'What if you Drained the Oceans?'

In a thought-provoking video titled 'What if you drained the oceans?', the concept of draining the Earth's oceans through a circular portal at the bottom of the Challenger Deep is explored. This hypothetical scenario, although seemingly outrageous, leads to intriguing scientific insights into the potential consequences and changes that would occur on our planet.

The video suggests that even with a wide opening and water being forced out at incredible speeds, it would take hundreds of thousands of years for the oceans to fully drain due to their vast size. The initial impact on Earth would be minimal, with the water level dropping by less than a centimeter per day, and no significant whirlpool forming on the surface due to the small size of the portal in relation to the ocean's depth.

However, by speeding up the draining process through additional or larger drains at the ocean's deepest point, significant transformations begin to take place. As the water level drops, land masses that were previously separated by water start to connect. Great Britain, Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Java, and Borneo become linked to their neighboring landmasses. The Netherlands, which has historically battled against sea levels, finally emerges as high and dry.

Continuing the scenario, the video envisions a world where the sea level falls further, eventually leading to the formation of new islands, changes in coastlines, and the emergence of vast new land areas. The Netherlands expands across Europe, Japan becomes a causeway connecting continents, and New Zealand experiences dramatic growth.

As the draining process progresses, islands pop up, continents shift, and oceans become disconnected. Land bridges form, inland seas emerge, and mountains of the mid-ocean ridge break the surface. The climate and ecosystems undergo drastic alterations, potentially resulting in mass extinctions at various levels.

The video speculates on the prospect of humans adapting to such a transformed world, highlighting the Dutch reputation for engineering solutions. While the idea of draining the oceans may seem far-fetched, the scientific exploration of this hypothetical scenario provides valuable insights into the interconnectedness of Earth's systems and the potential consequences of large-scale environmental changes.

In conclusion, 'What if you drained the oceans?' serves as a captivating illustration of the intricate balance of our planet's natural processes and the profound impact that altering one element, such as the oceans, can have on the entire biosphere. It prompts us to consider the resilience of life on Earth and the critical importance of preserving our environment for future generations

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