
This is one of the most potent neurotoxins in the world #science #chemistry


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**Dimethyl Mercury: A Powerful and Deadly Neurotoxin**

The video titled 'This is one of the world's most potent neurotoxins' introduces us to the dangerous and lethal world of dimethyl mercury. This substance, considered one of the most toxic known, has the ability to end an individual's life with just a small drop.

Mercury, a liquid metal that has fascinated humanity for centuries, is known for its toxicity. However, dimethyl mercury surpasses its predecessor in danger. At first glance, this organic compound may seem harmless: transparent, colorless, and with a slight sweet aroma. But beneath this deceptive appearance lies a powerful neurotoxin.

One of the most alarming characteristics of dimethyl mercury is its ability to penetrate the skin and gloves in a matter of seconds, quickly entering the bloodstream. A tragic example of this was the case of Karen Wetterhahn, a mercury expert chemist who in 1996, suffered an accident where a drop of dimethyl mercury got into her glove. Despite medical attempts to save her, Karen succumbed months later.

This unfortunate incident highlighted the extreme dangers of dimethyl mercury and led to improvements in toxic substance handling protocols. The impactful story of Karen Wetterhahn shows us the importance of understanding and respecting the danger of certain chemical compounds, as well as the need to enhance safety measures in their handling.

In summary, dimethyl mercury is a powerful and deadly neurotoxin that reminds us of the importance of caution and knowledge in the field of science and chemistry. Its ability to cause irreversible damage to the body alerts us to the risks involved in the use and manipulation of highly toxic substances

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