
Will MIWU be able to solve this RIDDLE? #miwuscience #miwuscienceespañol #shorts #science


Miwu Science Español

This video has been trending in El Salvador, and Spain

**Unveiling the Mystery of the Puzzle: The Science behind the MIWU Challenge**

In the world of science and technology, riddles and challenges are a fun way to test our wit and mental abilities. In a video titled 'Can MIWU solve this PUZZLE? #miwuscience #miwuscienceespañol #shorts #ciencia', we delve into a fascinating dilemma between two companions that involves overcoming an apparently impossible challenge: passing a disk through a square without tearing the paper.

The narrative of the video introduces us to MIU, who considers himself the best at solving school problems, facing off against a companion in a seemingly insurmountable challenge. Faced with the impossibility of completing the task, MIU concludes that breaking the paper is necessary to achieve it; however, his companion asserts that the square is smaller than the disk and that there must be an alternative solution.

Here is where science and geometry come into play. MIU's companion recalls a lesson from their teacher about the unstable structure of quadrilaterals and how, when stretched, the diagonal extends. Through a simple folding trick, the quadrilateral stretches enough to allow the disk to pass through it without tearing the paper, demonstrating that the solution to the puzzle lies in understanding the geometric properties of the quadrilateral in question.

In summary, this intriguing video teaches us that sometimes the key to solving an apparently impossible problem lies in creatively applying scientific concepts and geometry. Through experimentation, logical reasoning, and curiosity, we can overcome challenges and discover ingenious solutions that surprise us and teach us something new about the world around us. Science and technology continue to prove that every puzzle has a solution, and with a bit of ingenuity, we can tackle any challenge that comes our way!

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