
The Really Good Podcast | Ari the Don: 'If it ain't sneezing, it ain't seasoned'


Bobbi Althoff

This video has been trending in United States, and Papua New Guinea

The Really Good Podcast | Ari the Don: 'If it ain't sneezing, it ain't seasoned' video offers a glimpse into a casual and lighthearted conversation between Ari and Bobby as they attempt to cook some chicken wings. The tone of the video is relaxed and humorous, with both of them admitting their lack of expertise in the kitchen.

The video starts with Ari expressing her nervousness at the thought of cooking, with Bobby revealing that he doesn't cook much either, except for sometimes making tofu, which Ari finds unappetizing. The duo then navigate through a comical discussion about the ingredients they have, including organic flour and yellow mustard, leading to confusion and laughter.

As they prepare to cook the chicken wings, there are moments of genuine curiosity and learning, as Bobby admits to never having touched raw chicken before. Ari guides him through the process, emphasizing the importance of cleaning and rinsing the chicken thoroughly. Despite their lack of experience, they tackle the task with enthusiasm and humor.

The video includes an ad segment where Ari promotes the ticketing app SE Geek, showcasing her candid and engaging style. The conversation between Ari and Bobby shifts effortlessly between casual banter and genuine moments of connection, as they discuss their ages, plans for their birthdays, and past experiences.

Through their interactions, viewers get a glimpse of Ari's fun and down-to-earth personality, as she navigates the kitchen with Bobby, mixing laughter with cooking tips. The video encapsulates a sense of authenticity and relatability, making it an engaging watch for fans of Ari the Don and casual conversations about everyday life

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