
Adding 12,000 Fish to the 5 Acre Pond!



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Article Title: Adding 12,000 Fish to the 5 Acre Pond: An Exciting Day at Crimson Oak Pond!

Welcome back to Crimson Oak Pond, where the fish are thriving and the excitement never stops! In our latest video, titled 'Adding 12,000 Fish to the 5 Acre Pond,' we dive into the action-packed world of stocking bait fish to support the voracious appetites of our Tiger Bass.

The highlight of the episode is the stocking of 12,000 thread fin Shad, a crucial addition to the pond's ecosystem. We learn about the importance of timing the stocking around the full moon in May to kick off the Shad spawning season, which can result in the production of millions of new Shad. These tiny fish play a vital role in providing food for the Tiger Bass, who need a hefty amount of forage to grow to impressive sizes.

As we watch the Shad swim around with their nervous and frantic patterns, we discover fascinating facts about their behavior, such as their constant need to swim due to the lack of an air bladder. With proper stocking and a good Plankton Bloom, the Shad quickly grow, contributing to the overall health of the pond.

But the excitement doesn't end there! We are introduced to Truman, a bass fry that hatched a few weeks ago and made a surprise appearance in the video. Truman, our little Bass-in-training, gets a feeding lesson as he attempts to catch some prawns and crickets to satisfy his growing appetite.

In a heartwarming twist, we also meet a second bass in the pond, a mysterious addition that promises to make waves alongside Truman. The viewers are invited to suggest a name for this new bass, adding another layer of interaction to the video.

In addition to the fishy shenanigans, we get a glimpse of the pond's other residents, including pet bass Johnny and June, who work in tandem to hunt for shiners near the waterfall. The lively atmosphere around the pond, with blooming lily pads and playful interactions among the inhabitants, underscores the joy of maintaining a healthy aquatic habitat.

As we wrap up the video, we witness the successful spawn of Johnny and June, leading to the emergence of baby bass in the pond. Plans to transfer some of these young bass to an aquarium add a touch of anticipation to future episodes, promising more heartening moments and unforgettable experiences at Crimson Oak Pond.

So, whether you're a pond owner looking for tips on maintaining a thriving ecosystem or simply a fan of aquatic adventures, 'Adding 12,000 Fish to the 5 Acre Pond' at Crimson Oak Pond is a must-watch for a dose of wholesome entertainment and educational insights. Happy fishing!

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