
Love and Fire - Apr 25 - FULL INTERVIEW WITH YACO ESKENAZI | Willax


Willax Televisión

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**Full Interview with Yaco Eskenazi: Career, Football, Television and More**

On the program 'Amor y Fuego' on Willax, an interesting interview with Yaco Eskenazi took place, known for his participation in reality shows like Esto es Guerra and his subsequent role as a television host. Throughout the conversation, various aspects of Eskenazi's professional career were addressed, from his beginnings as a model and his time playing football to his experience as a television host.

In a lively and reflective tone, Eskenazi shared details about his trajectory, mentioning his start in América Kids and his participation in cooking shows like 'Fusión Gourmet'. Additionally, he revealed his past as a football player and the experience of having played in second and first division teams.

The conversation also delved into the professional and friendly relationship between Yaco Eskenazi and his colleague Natalie Vértiz, with whom he shared the stage for several years. Eskenazi highlighted the importance of camaraderie and mutual support in the television industry, underscoring the collaboration and respect between them.

Among other topics, they discussed the decision to take a successful show off the air, which led to speculation about possible conflicts between Gisela Valcárcel's production company and the channel. Eskenazi shared his thoughts on the reasons behind this situation, offering various theories regarding the negotiations and decisions within the television industry.

In conclusion, the interview with Yaco Eskenazi offered a glimpse into the trajectory and experiences of the renowned host, showcasing his versatility and professionalism in the world of entertainment. His journey from reality show beginnings to establishing himself as a television personality provided a comprehensive look at his evolution and achievements in the audiovisual industry

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