
The end of C8, what will change for Cyril Hanouna


HugoDécrypte - Actus du jour

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The end of C8 and NRJ12: What impact for Cyril Hanouna and the French audiovisual landscape?

A seismic event has just struck the television world with the announcement of the official shutdown of the channels C8 and NRJ12 on the TNT network, as revealed by the ARCOM, the French audiovisual regulator. But what will be the concrete consequences for these channels, in particular for C8's flagship show 'Touche pas à mon poste', hosted by Cyril Hanouna? Why were these channels targeted by the ARCOM, and what will they be replaced by?

C8, owned by the billionaire Vincent Bolloré, had been under the ARCOM's scrutiny for several years due to numerous on-air controversies, especially within the controversial show 'Touche pas à mon poste' hosted by Cyril Hanouna. Indeed, C8 has accumulated over 7.6 million euros in fines and penalties for various incidents, such as deemed homophobic pranks, insults towards public figures, and other missteps. Despite efforts by the channel to rectify the situation, the ARCOM ultimately decided to remove C8 from the TNT network.

On the other hand, NRJ12 also saw its end on the TNT announced, due to disappointing ratings and a lack of innovative programming. These two channels will be replaced by West France TV and Real TV, two new projects promising diverse and original content. Real TV aims to be a space for public debate and documentaries, while West France TV will become the first national channel located outside of Paris.

For Cyril Hanouna and his show 'Touche pas à mon poste', the disappearance of C8 from the TNT does not necessarily mean the end of the adventure. Indeed, the channel could continue to exist through other means of distribution such as cable, apps, or Smart TVs. However, the TNT remains a structuring element of the French audiovisual landscape, reaching nearly 20% of households in the country. Additionally, the visibility provided by the TNT has a significant impact on channel audience, which could play a crucial role in the future of 'Touche pas à mon poste'.

In summary, the disappearance of C8 and NRJ12 from the TNT marks a major turning point in the French audiovisual landscape, with potentially significant implications for Cyril Hanouna and French television. The creation of new channels promises to renew the television offerings while sparking discussions on freedom of expression, pluralism of opinions, and media responsibility

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