
JYEUHAIR from Nouvelle École judges French rap: SCH, Yorssy, Fresh... | GQ


GQ France

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In the video entitled 'JYEUHAIR from Nouvelle École judges French rap: SCH, Yorssy, Fresh... | GQ', we dive into the captivating world of French rap through the comments and impressions of Jyeuhair as he analyzes the music videos and songs of artists SCH, Yorssy, and Fresh.

The first artist under scrutiny is SCH, praised for his subtle and technical writing quality as well as his mastered flow. Jyeuhair highlights the poignant and varied aspect of the sounds produced by SCH, while acknowledging that the lyrics may not necessarily be to his taste. Nevertheless, he appreciates the overall production and recognizes the rapper's magnetic presence.

Regarding Yorssy, Jyeuhair is impressed by his fresh and original style, even comparing him to Tiakola at first before discovering the uniqueness of his artistic approach. Yorssy's wordplay and rhythmic placements captivate the listener, immersing them in an enchanting universe and sparking a desire to learn more about this promising artist.

Finally, Jyeuhair discusses the successful fusion of electronic music and rap, particularly through the example of Caracal Project, where the mastery and richness of the sounds allow the listener to escape and be carried away by the musical frequencies.

Through his analyses and feelings, Jyeuhair offers an enlightened perspective on the French rap scene, highlighting the diversity of styles and influences that enrich this constantly evolving musical world. This captivating video from GQ takes us to the heart of the intricacies of artistic creation and prompts deep reflection on the impact and significance of rap music in our contemporary society

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