
Raking Hay With Vintage 50's Ford Tractor and New Holland Rolla-Bar Rake!


Vice Grip Lodge

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Title: A Guide to Raking Hay with Vintage Tractors

Welcome to the how-to guide on raking hay using vintage tractors! Today, we'll dive into the fascinating world of farm equipment as we embark on the task of raking hay with a 50's Ford tractor and a New Holland Rolla-Bar Rake. Join us on this journey as we explore the process step by step.

First up, our trusty John Deere M tractor, rescued from the depths of the trees and brought back to life by the team at Vice grip Lodge. After some much-needed maintenance and TLC, we're ready to put this beauty to work in the field.

Taking center stage is the New Holland Ford 55 RAB bar hay rake - a piece of equipment that promises to make the job easier. With its simple design and ease of use, this rake is a perfect match for our vintage tractor. Despite a few maintenance issues, we're determined to get this machine up and running for our hay raking adventure.

Before we start, we need to ensure our tractor is fueled up and ready to go. A quick trip to refill the tank and some troubleshooting later, we're all set to start the engine. With a few hiccups along the way, including a fuel flow issue and an unexpected oil leak, our determination to get the tractor running only grows stronger.

Unfortunately, the tractor's mechanical troubles prove a bit too challenging to overcome on this occasion. But fear not, we have a backup plan! With another tractor in line and a brush hog ready to go, we quickly adjust our strategy and press on with the task at hand.

With tools in hand, fuel at the ready, and the backup tractor fired up, we head out to the field with determination. Despite facing some setbacks, our team remains focused on the goal of getting the hay raked before darkness falls.

The journey may be filled with twists and turns, but the spirit of perseverance and the thrill of working with vintage farm equipment keep us going. As we navigate through obstacles and unexpected challenges, we stay committed to the task, knowing that the end result will be worth the effort.

In the world of vintage tractors and hay raking, every task is an adventure waiting to unfold. So, grab your tools, fuel up your tractor, and join us as we explore the timeless art of raking hay with vintage farm equipment.

Stay tuned for more exciting farm adventures and practical tips on how to make the most of your vintage machinery. Happy raking!

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