
Saying Goodbye to My Best Friend


Cowboy Kent Rollins

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**Saying Goodbye to My Best Friend: A Heartfelt Tribute**

Howdy there, folks! Today, we've got something a little different in store for ya. Now, there won't be a recipe in this video—well, there kinda is, but it's a recipe for love. No, today we're not cooking up a storm. Today, we're here for something special, something close to the heart.

I recently had to say goodbye to my best friend, and I want to take this time to share with y'all some of our most cherished moments. Let me paint a picture of the life and legacy of the greatest dog to have ever wandered these lands—an incredible Beagle who brought light and joy into our lives.

It all started back in 2011 up north of Wichita Falls. I remember seeing two Beagles running alongside my wife's car, and little did I know that those two pups would soon become a part of our family. They were a bit scruffy, covered in ticks, but they found their way into our hearts. One of them, Bonehead, and the other, Big, who at that time was just a young pup full of energy and love.

Big, the Beagle, wasn't just any dog—he was a constant companion, a source of determination and tenacity. As they say, it wasn't about catching the rabbit but about following the trail. Big taught me about never giving up, about perseverance in the pursuit of something elusive.

Big also became a regular feature in our videos, especially when it came to taste-testing. From pork to chicken to steak, he was the official taste tester—a furry connoisseur giving his paw of approval. His tail wags were the ultimate seal of deliciousness.

At grilling time, Big was always by my side, ready for a bite. He had a knack for showing up at the right moment, his little Beagle head popping up, eager for a treat. And let me tell you, he knew how to enjoy a good meal, especially steak nights with friends, where he'd work the crowd for scraps like a seasoned pro.

One of Big's quirks was his love for hiding biscuits. You see, leftovers weren't just for immediate consumption; they were treasures to be buried for later enjoyment. Big had his own quirky way of storing those biscuits for a rainy day, quite literally!

Whether we were out on the ranch or filming by the river, Big was always the life of the party. His antics, like carrying around a massive dinosaur cow bone or trying his paw at fishing, brought laughter and joy to our days. He wasn't just a pet; he was family—a furry, loyal companion who touched our hearts in ways words can't express.

As we say goodbye to our dear friend, Bonehead the Beagle, I invite you to join us in honoring his memory by making a donation to a rescue organization. Let's continue to spread love and kindness, just like Big did with his tail wags and happy barks.

Thank you for being a part of this journey, for sharing in our memories, and for letting us cherish the moments we had with the greatest dog ever. Until we meet again, rest in peace, dear friend. Woof woof

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