
Official trailer of Chapter 2 of Fortnite: Remix


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Chapter 2 of Fortnite: Remix brings back the Chapter 2 island reimagined, with points of interest and weekly loot drops inspired by some of the greatest musical idols in history.

Each week, one of these four artists will take over a classic location on the Chapter 2: Remix map. In addition to the location change, each artist will have their own thematic weapon. Check out the weekly breakdown:

Week 1 (starting November 2)
The Agency facilities are now The Doggpound. If you manage to defeat him, the hound Snoop will gift you Snoop's Drum Submachine Gun, of mythical rarity, and become your ally.

Week 2 (starting November 7)
The Grotto becomes Spaghetti Grotto. If you can defeat Eminem, he will join your cause and grant you his Rapper Minigun.

Week 3 (starting November 14)
The Shark is now Ice Island, as Ice Spice has claimed it for herself. Defeat Ice to have her join your team and obtain Ice Spice's Hook and Ice Spice's Rifle, of mythical rarity.

Week 4 (starting November 21)
Keep an eye on the sky, because in Week 4 the iconic spot Point WRLD arrives.

In addition to the weekly artist invasions in Remix, you will notice a certain familiarity in the environment. As the season progresses, some of your favorite vehicles will return, such as Choppas and motorboats. Classic Chapter 2 weapons will also make a comeback throughout the season. You will find some novelties in vehicles, like the 1966 Cadillac DeVille, which has hydraulic suspension, bounces to the rhythm of the music, and can jump in the air.

Lastly, Chapter 2: Remix introduces a new Chapter 2-inspired Battle Pass. It includes costumes like Chaos Agent, Globe Shaker, Infiltrator Skye, Meowscles, and TnTina. Not to mention sneakers, a new type of cosmetic item that will appear for the first time in the Remix Pass as a pair of Jordans.

Look back and move forward towards Chapter 2: Remix

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