
So it's been 10 years huh...



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As of now, Jaden Animations is officially 10 years old. Yes, I know, I technically created the channel in February, but let's not get too caught up in the details. On July 23, 2014, I uploaded my very first animation to YouTube, introducing myself with the iconic opening line, 'hey everyone, my name is Shaden.' That marked the beginning of a decade-long journey that has significantly impacted the trajectory of my life.

Reflecting back on those early days, I was just a 16-year-old girl with a shy, quiet, and anxious disposition. I knew very little about the world and could count my friends on one finger. YouTube, at that time, was more of a platform to watch funny cat videos and cringe-worthy fail compilations. Little did I know that behind the screen lay a vibrant community of content creators, subscribers, and viewers eagerly awaiting new content.

It was a serendipitous moment of fate when my laptop refused to turn on, leading me to discover the vast world of YouTube content beyond merely cat videos. I stumbled upon an animated storytime video from a YouTuber called Doic, which sparked a revelation within me. His storytelling through animations inspired me to venture into the world of animation myself.

I took a leap of faith and reached out to Cupquake, a popular Minecraft YouTuber, offering my amateur animating skills. To my surprise and delight, she took a chance on me, propelling me into the world of animation. I vividly remember the excitement and fear of opening Adobe Flash for the first time and embarking on a journey of self-teaching through YouTube tutorials.

With Cupquake's support and encouragement, I mustered the courage to start my own YouTube channel, Jaden Animations. Despite my initial reservations and self-doubt, the community embraced me wholeheartedly. The shoutout given by Cupquake in the description of our collaboration video gave me the boost I needed to kickstart my channel, resulting in a rapid growth in subscribers.

Over the years, I continued to create animations, balancing collaborations with my own content. Milestones like hitting 100,000 subscribers while sitting atop my college dorm bunk filled me with a mix of pride and humility. As my audience grew, so did my confidence, allowing me to share my stories and connect with viewers around the world.

Looking back at the past 10 years, I am grateful for the opportunities, challenges, and growth that Jaden Animations has brought into my life. From a shy and reserved teenager to a confident and talented animator, the journey has been nothing short of transformative. As I mark this milestone, I am excited for what the future holds and eager to continue sharing my animated adventures with the world

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