
The Coaster-Counter King of Germany | Let yourself be monitored



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The Coaster-Counter-King of Germany | Let yourself be monitored

[Applause] [Music]

Hey, hello hello, good evening David, Lennart! Hello, hey, where are you from? From Düsseldorf, how old are you? 26 years. I know that of course, it's clear, naturally. We have so much in common, David, Lennart, you probably knew that. We both love amusement parks, right? We love amusement parks, you're a real amusement park and roller coaster fan, aren't you? I actually am, how about you? It's a bit silly to chat when you're so far away. Would you come down here for a moment, David, Lennart? Hello!


We've heard a lot about you, rated, much... here, hey David, L, first of all, it's really nice to meet you in person. I've seen you a lot on screens in recent weeks and months. We've talked a lot about you. It's nice to see that you really exist. Can you imagine what we've found about you on the internet? A lot of things, I assume, you're such a big roller coaster fan. We also saw it on Instagram, on your profile. Look, your profile picture looks like this, David, Lennart-like. Is that one of your favorite coasters? Yes, I'm actually going to visit that one tomorrow. It's in Toverland, not Tovland, where's that? Tovland, near Venlo, in Holland, an hour from here, okay. Where does this fascination for roller coasters come from? Did you like playing with marble runs as a child and did it evolve from there, or why do you enjoy it so much? That's a very good question. I liked playing with marbles, domino tracks, but I think I like the fact that you immerse yourself in a different world, the magic of gravity. Roller coasters, of course, except for magnetic coasters, operate only with gravity, of course, yes. If I were a great physicist, I could say that's where my inspiration comes from. But I'm not, but yes, it's the fact that you get transported into another world, that's why I also like theme parks like Fantasieland, yes.

You have a profile on Coast Account, we found that out too, here, look, this is a screenshot of your profile, David, Lennart. In Coast Account, what kind of page is that, explain how it works. It's for big amusement park fans, yes. They always enter when they've just ridden a new roller coaster, and then you can see how good you are ranked, yes, what position am I currently in. And yes, I like that too. And we saw that you've ridden roller coasters on three continents, in 15 countries, and in 58 different amusement parks. It does get quite expensive, of course, eventually, it does get expensive, but I've been doing it for a long time. So, I also know people who haven't been doing it for as long, and they are even crazier than me, actually. But yes, it's indeed relatively expensive. Do you always do it alone or is your girlfriend Lea, who is with you tonight, of course we also know, also involved? Is Lea with you, a quick question to your girlfriend Lea, did you discover the hobby of roller coaster riding through your relationship with David Lennart, or did you already have that hobby before? It became a hobby since David, but not as intense as he has I found out, okay.

David, you surely didn't appear here on the Let Yourself Be Monitored couch as the first one without us having found something a bit shocking about you on the internet, which you may not be fully aware that we discovered. Something that I would say surprised us a bit, can you imagine what it's about? We found out, David Lennart, that you haven't achieved a single milestone on your Coast Account profile. Oh, unfortunately no milestones yet? That's sad, milestones, David, L, are the most important thing, yes. Maybe I should explain briefly. So, we amusement park freaks know that, of course. Milestones, when for example you've ridden a roller coaster, then you get the 50th milestone or the 250th or the 1000th milestone, here, this is what it looks like, take a look, here, like this, then you make yourself a card and then you go on a milestone ride, 100, 200, 300, how many real rides have you listed on Coaster Counter so far, so how many roller coaster rides have you had, that count at Co Account, but I don't know the exact number, yes, I know that, it's a total of 246 roller coaster rides, there have been some milestones in there, D Lenard, you're just about to reach the 250 milestone, that can't be right, that's correct, that's missing, four roller coaster rides, David, Lennard, I would say, and I believe the audience in the studio, ernfeld, agrees with me, it's time for your first milestone, for the 250th milestone, or David, Lennard, you need to get used to it, we've prepared it already, let's show it briefly, that's the 250, you're going to complete your 250 today, you've already done 246, so you need to do four roller coaster rides today, and for that we need to leave the studio, are you ready for that, then I'd say here's MiGeL for you.

[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rubitzki M Ritz [Applause] [Music]

Alright, my dear David, Lennart, in order for you to achieve your milestone now, we need to leave the studio, don't worry, Miguel has never done this before either, for the thrill, we're going to take off. You've already been to 58 amusement parks, it wasn't easy to find a park that's somewhat close by, especially where you can do your four rides today in the show to reach 250. We initially thought about having a little nonsense ride, but there's a strict code of honor, I'm also not a fan of fairs. So, FGE, have you ever been scared on a roller coaster, no, not at all. So, you're tough, tough cookie, yes, I think so. David, Lenard, here's the deal, the four missing roller coasters you'll be riding today are in an amusement park in the beautiful state of Bavaria and you're headed there now with the Let Yourself Be Monitored helicopter, okay, there's the Let Yourself Be Monitored helicopter, aha, up there, very exciting, okay, come with me, let's put it down right here for a moment. Hello, your girlfriend, Lea, she's already in the helicopter, she was our accomplice all along, you're going to fly with the Let Yourself Be Monitored helicopter to Bavaria, where an amusement park is exclusively reserved for you tonight. You'll be the only guest, and on site is my dear colleague, Ko Worbs, who I believe can already hear me now, greetings to you, hello, how's the atmosphere at the amusement park, hello, Ko Worbs, hello, David, Lennart, we're all very excited for you, tonight the David, Lennart Amusement Park has opened exclusively for you. Everything is prepared for you, the schedule is already set. It starts with Ride Number 1, Doggy-Dog, then onto the Cobra, Ride Number 3 is Takawaka, and the last ride, the grand finale, your milestone ride, goes to the Curse of S, everyone is very excited, we're waiting for you here, don't get lost in the sky, see you soon, many thanks, that's our hello, hello bye, hello bye, greetings, let's head to the helicopter, you can still fly, hello this, David, en hello, hello, hello, hi, here you go in, or do you need help, we've got one packed

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