
Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman Take Lie Detector Tests | Vanity Fair


Vanity Fair

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In a hilarious and candid video titled 'Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman Take Lie Detector Tests' by Vanity Fair, the dynamic duo of Hollywood's favorite pranksters engage in a series of light-hearted questioning with a polygraph expert named Lou.

The video kicks off with Ryan Reynolds taking the hot seat first and humorously asking if he can put his hand down or should just keep it up, setting the tone for the playful banter to come. Lou, the polygraph expert, tries to get Ryan to answer honestly about various topics, including his limited acting range, failed auditions involving singing, and even his time running the New York City marathon.

The fun continues when Ryan is asked about his relationship with his wife Blake Lively, his infamous role in 'Green Lantern,' and whether he'd ever subject himself to watching 'Van Wilder' with his family. Ryan's witty responses, mixed with some candid truths, keep the energy light and entertaining throughout the session.

Next up is Hugh Jackman, who confidently confirms his full name as Hugh Michael Jackman and humorously denies any connections to being a secret Michael Jackson impersonator. He shares insights about his Australian roots, his favorite football teams, and even his thoughts on fellow actor Channing Tatum's potential as Gambit in a movie.

As the questioning delves into more personal and comedic territory, both Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman exhibit their trademark charm and humor, making the lie detector test more of a delightful comedy show than a serious interrogation.

The video wraps up with a final question to Hugh Jackman about whether he lied during the test, to which he humorously responds with a slightly evasive answer that leaves viewers chuckling at the playful antics of these two beloved actors.

Overall, 'Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman Take Lie Detector Tests' is a delightful and entertaining watch that showcases the playful camaraderie and comedic timing of two Hollywood A-listers as they navigate the quirky world of lie detector tests in true entertainment style

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