
Hello, I wanted to tell you this :)



This video has been trending in Uruguay, and Argentina

**Taking a Breath in the Streaming World: Intimate Revelations from a Youtuber**

Hello friends! How are you all doing? Welcome to a new video, something different this time. I've changed the setting a bit to talk to you, because I feel it's time to be honest with you. I've never done this before, but I owe it to you and to myself. It's time to talk about how I feel, what's happening to me.

During this period of inactivity, I've received many messages from you and I've read your concerns. I feel I owe it to you to tell you what goes on behind the streams, what I'm going through. Today, I want to share with you my thoughts, my feelings, what I'm experiencing, and what's on the horizon. I want to express my gratitude to all of you for always being present on this journey.

I want to thank my incredible community that has always supported me. To all of you, whether you've been following me for a while or if you've just joined, thank you for everything! What I've achieved so far, everything that has happened on the stream, is simply amazing. Some things I imagined, others I did not. I always dreamed of reaching places I didn't even think were possible, and I have achieved it thanks to you, the community that has backed me since day one.

Today, I want to talk about how I feel at this moment, with my thoughts, how I am. I'm going through a phase where I feel like one chapter is coming to a close. I'm not enjoying streaming as much as I used to, and that requires a change. I need to take a break, reconsider what I want to do, how I want to do it, and why I want to do it. It's a personal crisis moment that I believe will help me evolve and make important decisions.

I acknowledge that I've been feeling a bit burnt out, and I've needed this break for a while. I couldn't find the right moment, I made excuses to keep going, but I finally decided to do it. It's normal to experience this feeling after so many years of dedication and sacrifice.

I am at a turning point where I know I want to continue streaming, but in a different way. I'm looking to close some doors to focus on what I really want to do. I'm a bit lost at the moment, but I know I want to connect more with you, be more transparent about my emotions and thoughts. It's a vital first step to move towards a new chapter.

Though it was hard for me to make this decision, I know it's necessary to keep growing and evolving as a content creator. I invite all of you to reflect on the importance of taking breaks and reassessing things when needed. Sometimes, it's crucial to stop in order to continue in a more authentic and fulfilling way.

Ultimately, this video is just the beginning of a journey of self-discovery and renewal. From now on, I hope to connect more with you, share my thoughts and feelings more openly. Thank you for always being there, for your unwavering support! Let's go on this journey together, because the best is yet to come!

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