
My First 100 Games of Fortnite



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Title: 'My First 100 Games of Fortnite: A Comedy of Errors and Epic Failures'

In a world where Fortnite reigns supreme and the term 'cracked' strikes fear into the hearts of newbies, one brave soul embarks on a quest to conquer the virtual battleground. Enter stage left, our protagonist, armed with nothing but enthusiasm and a questionable username choice.

Picture this: a newcomer to the Fortnite universe, bewildered by the complexities of an Epic Launcher and the sheer number of years the game has been around. But fear not, for this intrepid explorer is determined to dive headfirst into the fray, all in the name of comedy.

With bold declarations of not spending a single buck on a free game, our hero sets out to play 100 games of Fortnite. The goal? To improve, develop a skill, and nab that elusive Victory Royale. Spoiler alert: the odds might not be ever in their favor.

As the game begins, our protagonist fumbles through choosing a username, unknowingly throwing shade at whoever wielded their account for seven long years. A stroke of brilliance strikes as 'Gator Guy 333' is born, signaling the dawn of a new era in Fortnite history.

Navigating the treacherous waters of Battle Royale mode, our hero braves the storm of bullets and build modes, grappling with existential questions like, 'Who am I talking to?' and 'Is fall damage a thing?' Through trials and tribulations, they discover the joy of their first eliminations, only to realize they were battling NPCs all along. Cue the laughter and facepalms.

Armed with newfound knowledge about gun rarities and inventory management (who knew three slots could be so limiting?), our intrepid adventurer faces foes head-on, all while quipping, 'I hope knowing this fact makes you feel a sense of Pride and accomplishment in me.' Pure gold.

From hiding in dumpsters to dropping Mythic guns for Shield blasters, every mishap and misstep in this comedy of errors leaves us in stitches. As they triumph and stumble in equal parts, one thing remains constant: the sheer joy and laughter that Fortnite brings, even to the most clueless of newcomers.

So, dear readers, lend your ears to the tale of 'My First 100 Games of Fortnite,' where the journey is paved with fails, funny moments, and a whole lot of heart. And remember, in the chaotic world of Battle Royales, sometimes the best strategy is just to have a good laugh and enjoy the ride. After all, in the words of our protagonist, 'Build mode sucks! We're doing no build from now on!'

And with that, let the comedy of the Fortnite games continue, one respawn at a time

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