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In a hilarious cooking video titled 'JAMIE OLIVER'S WORST RECIPE YET (Veggie Pad Thai),' we witness the comedic disaster that unfolds as Uncle Roger takes on the task of reviewing Jamie Oliver's attempt at a vegetarian version of the classic Pad Thai dish.

From the very beginning, Uncle Roger is skeptical as he watches Jamie mix up a concoction of questionable ingredients. Jamie's decision to forego traditional Pad Thai ingredients like dried shrimp and fish sauce in favor of a veggie version raises Uncle Roger's eyebrows to new heights.

As Jamie proceeds to add ingredients like chili sauce, soy sauce, and tamarind to the mix, Uncle Roger can't help but cringe at the culinary crimes being committed in the name of modernizing a classic Asian dish. The most shocking moment comes when Jamie decides to crush silken tofu in a pestle and mortar to create the sauce - a move that sends Uncle Roger spiraling into despair.

Uncle Roger's dismay reaches a peak when Jamie suggests dry-frying the vegetables without any oil, a move that runs counter to traditional cooking methods and sends Uncle Roger tumbling out of his chair in disbelief.

As the video progresses, Jamie continues to deviate from the traditional Pad Thai recipe, causing Uncle Roger to question the logic behind Jamie's choices and wonder if there's any hope for the dish to turn out edible.

Despite the culinary chaos unfolding before his eyes, Uncle Roger soldiers on, providing hilarious commentary and sharp critiques as Jamie pushes the boundaries of what can be considered a legitimate Pad Thai recipe.

In the end, the video serves as a comedic reminder of the importance of respecting cultural traditions and cooking techniques when attempting to recreate beloved dishes. Jamie Oliver's 'Veggie Pad Thai' may go down in history as his worst recipe ever, but it certainly gave Uncle Roger plenty to laugh about - and plenty for viewers to learn from in the world of cooking comedy

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