
I AM A GUARDIAN ANGEL!! | Fabru Blacutt


Fabru Blacutt

This video has been trending in Spain, and El Salvador

**I'M A GUARDIAN ANGEL! - Review of a Hilarious Video**

Get ready to laugh out loud with the hilarious video 'I'M A GUARDIAN ANGEL!!' starring the one-of-a-kind Fabru Blacutt! In this comedic gem, the talented Fabru plays an angel tasked with deciding whether newly departed souls deserve to go to heaven or hell. Will they be merciful, or do they have a mischievous sense of humor?

The video kicks off with a delightful dilemma: do you want to be an angel or a demon? Of course, we all prefer angels! Throughout the plot, we encounter entertaining characters such as a 6-year-old boy who wakes up in heaven without understanding how he got there, a killer grandma known as Granny, and a repentant bully named Alex.

The comedy unfolds as Fabru must make life-or-death decisions: from assessing whether a child deserves to enter heaven, to judging a grandma for her misdeeds. Amidst laughter and surprises, the viewer is immersed in an absurd yet endearing world where every soul has a story to tell.

With hilarious dialogues and unexpected situations, this video prompts us to reflect on justice and kindness, but most importantly, it guarantees more than a few laughs along the way! What will happen to these quirky souls? Will they go to heaven or hell? To find out, don't miss this video that promises to be a hit in the comedy world!

So, if you're looking for a dose of humor and fun, don't hesitate to enjoy the charming and extravagant world of Fabru Blacutt in 'I'M A GUARDIAN ANGEL!!'. We guarantee you'll have a great time and leave with a smile on your face! Don't miss out!

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