
AI is here. What now?


Eddy Burback

This video has been trending in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, and Papua New Guinea

In the hilarious video 'AI is here. What now?', the world of artificial intelligence is hilariously dissected in a way that will leave you questioning if the future is truly as 'smart' as we think. From self-driving Robo taxis to AI-generated images of cats playing guitar, this video takes a fun and zany look at the current state of AI technology.

The video starts off with a bang as open AI unveils a new AI model that can generate images based on written prompts. From bizarre images of the Chicago skyline to a questionable deep-dish pizza photo, the AI's interpretations will leave you scratching your head and craving a real-life experience instead.

As the video continues, we are introduced to the comical side of AI advertising, with meta, Google, and other companies bombarding us with commercials about the wonders of AI. The idea of AI helping with everyday tasks like canceling dinner plans with friends or generating images of historical places like Little Italy in 1954 leads to hilarious scenarios that will have you laughing out loud.

From fireworks shows on your phone to AI-generated architecture tours, the video highlights the absurdity of relying on AI for experiences that are best enjoyed in real life. The AI's lack of real human touch and understanding is comically portrayed as it tries to imitate and generate images that fall short of capturing the true essence of the world around us.

In a world where AI is becoming more prevalent, 'AI is here. What now?' brings a fresh and comedic perspective to the potential pitfalls of relying too heavily on technology for our daily lives. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride as AI tries its best to impress us with its quirks and shortcomings in this delightful and whimsical video!

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