
I Bought a 1947 FLYING Scraper! (Will it Run after Sitting 10+ Years?? )


Diesel Creek

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In the video titled 'I Bought a 1947 FLYING Scraper! (Will it Run after Sitting 10+ Years??),' Matt from Diesel Creek takes us on a journey as he acquires a vintage Lero D4 Turnip Pool scraper. The excitement in his voice is palpable as he shares his enthusiasm for this unique find.

The Lero D4 scraper, also known as the Airborne or Flying scraper, dates back to the World War II era. Designed to be air-dropped out of planes to assist in constructing runways in remote areas, these machines were a pivotal part of history. Matt explains the rarity of these units, with only a limited number built, most of which were for military purposes. The one he acquired is a civilian model, making it even more special.

As Matt showcases the features of the scraper, he delves into its operational mechanisms. A scraper essentially functions as a wagon with a scoop attached, allowing for the easy excavation and transportation of dirt. With its unique design and functionality, a scraper like the Lero D4 can efficiently move large amounts of material, especially when combined with other scrapers on a site.

Despite the scraper's age and the fact that it had been sitting for over a decade, Matt is eager to bring it back to life. He discusses the restoration efforts that had previously been made on the machine and the challenges he anticipates in getting it up and running again. From the continental Y12 engine to the manual steering and cable-operated systems, the vintage nature of the scraper adds to its charm.

Matt's passion for antique equipment shines through as he explains the appeal of working with such a historic machine. Beyond its functional capabilities, the portability and uniqueness of the Lero D4 make it a desirable addition to his collection. He envisions taking it to equipment shows and even car shows, showcasing the craftsmanship of a bygone era.

As the video unfolds, viewers are taken on a visual tour of the scraper, seeing its intricate details and imagining the stories it could tell. Matt's dedication to preserving and reviving these pieces of history is evident, making the video a fascinating watch for enthusiasts of vintage autos and vehicles.

Overall, 'I Bought a 1947 FLYING Scraper!' encapsulates the thrill of uncovering a rare piece of automotive history and the determination to bring it back to its former glory. Matt's passion for antique equipment and the journey of restoring this unique machine make for an engaging and informative viewing experience in the world of Autos & Vehicles

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