
Day in the Life of the Most Expensive Japanese Tea Maker


Paolo fromTOKYO

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Title: A Day in the Life of the Most Expensive Japanese Tea Maker

In the serene countryside of Fukuoka, Japan, resides a remarkable woman named Fuki, who leads a life surrounded by the artistry of tea-making. At 39 years old, she embodies the legacy of her family's fifth-generation Japanese Tea Company, dedicated to crafting the most luxurious green tea in Japan, known as yamicha.

The day begins in her expansive family home, where she lives with her loved ones in a three-story 8-bedroom house. Fuki's morning routine includes a blend of tradition and modernity – from offering morning prayers at the family altar to enjoying a protein shake infused with matcha, the superfood of Japan, for breakfast.

To the outside world, Fuki's journey unfolds as she commutes to work at Yoshiisumi, the family-owned tea company. The day is a blend of meticulous tasks that showcase the intricate process of tea-making. From cleaning the office space with diligence to managing the retail section, Fuki navigates the responsibilities with grace and dedication.

One of the highlights of her day includes attending a tea auction, a vital event where tea companies bid for their yearly inventory. Fuki’s role as an apprentice under her father's guidance allows her to immerse herself in the nuances of tea selection and blending.

The day reaches its pinnacle at the regal Rengeji Temple, where the ancient Kesai tea ceremony unfolds. Steeped in 600 years of tradition, Fuki participates in the ceremony with reverence and excitement, honoring the birthplace of yamicha.

A visit to a tea farm offers insights into the meticulous process of tea harvesting and the careful attention required to maintain the quality of the leaves. Fuki's interactions with the tea farmers underscore the deep connection between the producers and the end product.

Back at the tea company, Fuki actively engages in various aspects of tea production, from sampling new blends to assisting customers. Her role in the family business is not just about business operations but also about preserving the art and heritage of Japanese tea-making.

As the day winds down with a family dinner and a toast to the new harvest season, Fuki's journey comes full circle. The dedication and passion she brings to her craft are evident in every step of her day, from morning prayers to late-night reflections.

The video titled 'Day in the Life of the Most Expensive Japanese Tea Maker' offers a captivating glimpse into the world of Fuki and the timeless art of Japanese tea-making. It captures the essence of tradition, innovation, and family legacy that define Fuki's life as a custodian of Japan's tea culture

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