
Lakers select Tennessee guard Dalton Knecht w/ 17th pick: LAL get steal of draft? | NBA | UNDISPUTED



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The video titled 'Lakers select Tennessee guard Dalton Knecht w/ 17th pick: LAL get steal of draft? | NBA | UNDISPUTED' has sparked a debate about the Lakers' first-round pick and the potential impact of Dalton Knecht on the team. In the video, the hosts, Wayne, Duck Bo Paul, and others, discuss the Lakers' decision to pick Knecht at the 17th spot and analyze his capabilities as a shooter and potential trade piece.

At first glance, it seems that the Lakers may have scored a steal by picking Knecht at 17th, especially considering that both ESPN and The Athletic had him mocked as a top 6 pick going to Charlotte. The hosts express their satisfaction with the pick, emphasizing the need for shooters around LeBron James and Knecht's ability to fill that role. They highlight Knecht's college performance, averaging 20 points per game and his potential to translate his shooting skills to the NBA level.

While some are thrilled with the pick, others exude caution, considering the possibility of Knecht being a trade piece for the Lakers to acquire a superstar player. The discussion gravitates towards Knecht's readiness to contribute immediately to a team like the Lakers and his defensive capabilities, with concerns about his ability to make a significant impact from regular season play to the playoffs.

Furthermore, the hosts delve into Knecht's basketball journey, starting from his high school days to playing in a Junior College in Colorado before eventually shining at Tennessee. They commend his accolades, such as being First Team All-American, winning the Julius Erving award for the best small forward in America, and being named Southeastern Conference Player of the Year.

Despite some concerns regarding Knecht's age and perceived lack of upside, the hosts acknowledge the value of having a player who is already polished and ready to contribute immediately in some capacity. The conversation also touches upon the surprise factor of Knecht falling to the 17th pick and the perceived hesitancy of NBA teams to draft players who are more mature and established.

In conclusion, the video shines a light on the Lakers' strategic move to draft Dalton Knecht and raises intriguing questions about his potential impact, his fit within the team, and the possibility of leveraging him as a trade asset in the future. The discourse surrounding Knecht exemplifies the intricate decision-making processes and uncertainties that come with NBA draft selections, especially when concerning promising talents like Knecht

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