
Dana White reacts to Alex Pereira KO: “He's a monster' | UFC 303 Post Press Conference



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**Dana White Reacts to Alex Pereira KO: “He's a Monster” at UFC 303 Post Press Conference**

In a whirlwind of emotions and surprises, UFC President Dana White delivered his thoughts on a monumental night in UFC history following Alex Pereira's knockout victory. The post-press conference was filled with revelations, announcements, and heartfelt reflections on the fighters who showcased their warrior spirits in the Octagon.

The video kicked off with the statistical highlights of the event: an impressive attendance of 18,818 fans and a gate revenue of $15.9 million, making it the fourth-highest gate in UFC history. The Fight of the Night accolade was initially awarded to Swanson and Feely, but White confessed that he was charmed into awarding two Fight of the Night bonuses to Piper Macy and Pereira. White’s generosity and appreciation for the fighters' performances shone through as he congratulated them on their spectacular displays.

Acknowledging the chaotic nature of the UFC event, White candidly expressed his emotions, stating that he was ready to turn off his phone and retreat to his sanctuary in Maine after the rollercoaster ride of the night's events. However, the spotlight shifted to the remarkable fighters who faced unforeseen challenges with grace and determination.

Diego, who stepped in last minute and faced a change in opponents, showcased unwavering commitment and resilience. White praised the mental fortitude of the fighters, emphasizing their courage in embracing obstacles and still delivering standout performances. The narratives of Diego and Pereira, who overcame odds and delivered awe-inspiring fights, fueled White's admiration for their dedication to the sport.

Turning his attention to Pereira's dominant victory, White lauded the Brazilian fighter as a 'monster' for his commanding performance, complimenting his technical prowess and tenacity in the Octagon. The discussion shifted to the possibility of Pereira moving up to the heavyweight division, sparking excitement among fans for potential future matchups.

When questioned about Michael Chandler's future plans, White emphasized the importance of staying active in the fast-paced world of mixed martial arts, underscoring Chandler's strategic decisions in his career trajectory. White's unwavering support for his fighters was evident as he addressed Michelle Waterson's retirement announcement with respect and admiration for her contributions to the sport.

In a moment of reflection, White commended the fighters, managers, and behind-the-scenes team for their dedication and passion, reaffirming his commitment to nurturing the UFC's diverse and talented roster.

As the video concluded, White's parting words resonated with a mix of admiration, gratitude, and genuine affection for the athletes who continually inspire and captivate audiences worldwide. UFC 303 may have been a night to remember for MMA enthusiasts, but for Dana White, it was a testament to the unwavering spirit and indomitable will of the fighters who embody the essence of combat sports

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