
I Tested In-Flight Beauty Hacks on the Longest Flight in the World


Safiya Nygaard

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HELLO FRIENDS!! And welcome to another video… In this installment of "the internet made me do it" - I have been seeing these crazy in-depth flight hacks and in-flight GRWMs and beauty routines all over the internet recently - from compression socks, to heatless curlers, to melting collagen face masks, and more - it seems like the internet is determined to hack the long haul flight. And it just so happens that we have 2 tickets on the longest non-stop flight in the world, from JFK to Changi Airport in Singapore. So what better time to test out a 13-step In-Flight Beauty Routine? It's just a cool 19 hours away...

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Via AudioNetwork

Executive Producers: Safiya Nygaard & Tyler Williams
Managing Producer: Lona Smith
Associate Producer: Ishara Mathews
Editor: Andrew Lainhart
Editor: Mandy Padgett
Editor: Leslie Alcantar
Graphic Designer: Dayana Espinoza


#travel #vlog #hack #beauty #tiktok

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