
I treat my girlfriend badly *in front of her parents* | Alan Mejia & @HermanasJM


Alan Mejia

This video has been trending in Costa Rica, Mexico, Bolivia, and Peru

In the video titled 'I TREAT MY GIRLFRIEND BADLY *IN FRONT OF HER PARENTS* | Alan Mejia & @HermanasJM', we can see a somewhat complicated situation in which Alan, the protagonist, plans to play a prank on his mother-in-law or father-in-law by mistreating his girlfriend in front of them. The mischief starts with Alan mentioning that he is going to start treating his girlfriend poorly in order to see how they react.

The video shows how Alan's girlfriend has some doubts about how her parents will react to the planned prank. Then, we see the couple meeting with her parents at a table for dinner and board games. During the game, Alan begins to mistreat his girlfriend, making unpleasant comments towards her.

This behavior provokes various reactions, such as the puzzled look from the girlfriend's mother and the father's intervention, who at one point, in annoyance, takes Alan's phone away. Finally, tension rises when the parents get angry and Alan decides to reveal that it was all a prank.

The situation is resolved with some relief and laughter, although Alan admits to feeling a bit worried about the initial reaction from the parents. The prank ends with a sense of relief for all involved, but with the understanding that pranks can have unexpected consequences.

In summary, the video shows how a simple prank can lead to misunderstandings and uncomfortable situations, but it also highlights the importance of having clear boundaries in humor, especially when involving other people, in this case, the parents of the couple

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