
Debt brake: Is Germany saving itself to death?


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'Is well-intentioned, but poorly executed.' 'The key is that we practice sustainable budget management.' The legislators are at odds. In the end, the majority wins, and the debt brake is decided upon. Germany commits to adopting a strict austerity program and sustainable budget management starting in 2016. The euphoria is great. Finally, an end is supposed to be put to the accumulation of debt! But the reality is tough. The path to zero indebtedness is difficult. While many countries are at least making an effort, others do not adhere to the rules. There is dispute over the interpretation of the debt brake, lawsuits in front of the constitutional court, and political infighting. Opinions on the debt brake continue to widely vary. Critics complain that important investments in education, infrastructure, and climate protection are being neglected. Supporters argue that only through budget discipline can the future of the next generations be secured. The debt brake remains a highly debated topic. How things will progress, how Germany will handle debts and investments, is uncertain. But one thing is sure: the argument about the debt brake is far from over.'

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