
This was the movie-like robbery at a jewelry store in a shopping mall in Bucaramanga



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### Movie-like Robbery at Jewelry Store in Shopping Mall in Bucaramanga

In an unprecedented act of audacity and cunning, seven individuals carried out a spectacular assault on the jewelry store in the San José Plaza shopping mall in Bucaramanga. Wearing clothing that made them resemble members of the National Police and a well-known courier company, these criminals executed a calculated robbery totaling more than 80 million pesos.

The establishment's security cameras witnessed the criminal operation, as did the people who were nearby at the time. In a span of 99:32 minutes, the scene turned into a scenario worthy of a cinematic production: a person dressed as a police officer enters and disarms the security guard, followed by another individual in police uniform who intimidates the rest of the staff. With more calmness, a man dressed in the courier company uniform joins the group, and finally, another individual jumps over the display case and begins looting the jewelry store.

The heist was carried out with precision and coordination, while an accomplice ensured the escape with the valuable items. After loading up on gold and silver, the criminals strategically left the premises, being captured by a passerby's camera in full flight.

The scene continued outside the shopping mall, where the thieves boarded motorcycles and quickly fled the scene with their loot. The prompt response of the Bucaramanga police allowed them to find fingerprints that helped in identifying the suspects, who are now the target of substantial rewards for their capture.

This incident, which has caused shock in the city, highlights the importance of strengthening security in commercial spaces and the need for an effective response from authorities to ensure order and the protection of citizens. We will remain attentive to the developments of this news and the actions taken to bring the perpetrators to justice

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