
JD Vance becomes Donald Trump's VP pick at 2024 RNC: Watch full Ohio delegation nomination



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In a groundbreaking moment at the 2024 Republican National Convention, the Ohio delegation made a historic move by nominating JD Vance as the Vice Presidential pick for President Donald Trump. The convention hall erupted in applause as the chair announced that the evidence presented showed overwhelming support for JD Vance from multiple states, clearing the way for his nomination.

John Husted, lieutenant governor of Ohio, took the stage and delivered a passionate speech, highlighting JD Vance's dedication to American values and principles. He painted JD as a man of integrity, a Marine Corps veteran, an accomplished scholar, and a relentless advocate for the working people of Ohio. Husted's endorsement solidified Vance's position as a candidate who embraces the American dream and is committed to representing the people with moral courage, strength, and honor.

Bernie Moreno, a Senate candidate from Ohio, then stepped forward to make the official motion for JD Vance to be nominated by acclamation. In a dramatic moment, the delegates overwhelmingly supported the motion, cementing JD Vance as the Republican National Convention's candidate for Vice President of the United States.

The announcement was met with resounding cheers and a sense of unity among the delegates. The chair's declaration that JD Vance had the overwhelming support of the convention signified a momentous occasion in American politics. As the ceremony concluded, Usha Vance was appointed to the escort committee for Senator JD Vance, marking a significant step forward in the campaign.

In a statement of gratitude and patriotism, Usha Vance expressed her thanks and blessed America as the convention celebrated this historic nomination. With JD Vance as the Vice Presidential candidate, the Republican Party aims to bring about change and make America great again, standing firmly by President Donald Trump's side to lead the nation towards a brighter future

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