
RELOJ (Lyric Video) - Peso Pluma, Iván Cornejo


Peso Pluma

This video has been trending in United States, Papua New Guinea, Guatemala, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Mexico

CLOCK (Lyric Video) - Peso Pluma, Iván Cornejo
Double P Records©


Interpretation - Peso Pluma, Iván Cornejo
Composition - Alfredo Manzo, Hassan Emilio Kabande Laija, Iván Cornejo
Production - Hassan Emilio Kabande Laija, Jesus Ivan Leal “Parka”, Ernesto Fernandez, Frank Rio

Creative Direction & Graphic Design: Pako Aldama
Animation: Victorvams


There are no more minutes on the clock
My love, I spend entire nights searching on the phone
I see your messages and I start to smile

There are no more minutes on the clock
My love, I spend entire nights searching on the phone
I see your messages and I start to smile

This pain that I have has no explanation
Being thoughtful for you was not my function
That you loved me
I bought that story

There are no reasons to cry for you anymore
Parties and friends and some girls to go out with
I don't care who you go out with anymore
My past doesn't hurt me
You want to make me jealous but I'm calm, I'm calm
Your reproaches don’t matter to me anymore
I have erased you from everywhere
Because that's how life goes

I still feel this way, I don't know why
Time goes by and this pain doesn't go away
When you used to be the reason for my love
I don't understand why the ticking of the clock stopped
Time froze, my soul got trapped
I might be someone else once I heal

I don’t understand how much time will pass
An adventure is all that's left for you
And for me, some bitter drinks
To heal my heart

After you left me so damaged
Now at night, you remind me of the pain
Gaps in my thoughts
Sink me into depression

Peso Pluma
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#pesopluma #exodo #doubleprecords #EXODO

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