
We move (not far)


Marine LB

This video has been trending in France

**Discover the eventful day of an influencer in the video 'ON BOUGE (not far)'**

In the captivating video titled 'ON BOUGE (not far),' we delve into the action-packed daily life of an influencer, through a series of hilarious and surprising events. From morning preparations, discussions about beauty products, to mishaps in a hotel, this video is full of twists and delightful moments.

From the start of the day, we follow the influencer as she hurriedly gets ready, already running late for a busy day. Amid reflections on her complexion and beauty tips, she immerses us in her world full of humor and self-deprecation. The mention of sponsorship by the brand Typologie adds a touch of realism and transparency to the video, emphasizing the importance of partnerships in the influencer world.

The pace of the video quickens as the influencer heads to a hotel for a shoot. Between fashion dilemmas, thoughts on vertigo, and attempts to stay focused on work, we are transported into a bubble of spontaneity and light-heartedness. The adventures that punctuate her journey add a comical and playful dimension to the whole experience.

Quirky details, such as discovering a full-length mirror in the hotel room or unconventional travel tips, add color to the narrative and give the video a lively and engaging atmosphere. The influencer shares her thoughts, reflections, and laughter with her followers, thereby creating an authentic and intimate connection with her audience.

In conclusion, the video 'ON BOUGE (not far)' provides an entertaining glimpse into the hectic life of an influencer, blending humor, spontaneity, and light-heartedness. Through this dynamic and well-crafted narrative, viewers are invited to share a moment of camaraderie and cheerfulness with this vibrant and endearing personality

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