


Les Do Makeup

This video has been trending in United States, and Papua New Guinea

to do it at home and still make it special with our close family members. So today, in this video titled 'WE'RE MARRIED!', we see the behind-the-scenes of the preparations leading up to our civil wedding ceremony.

The video starts with the narrator excitedly mentioning that today is the day she officially becomes Miss Galindo. She discusses the challenges of getting the kids ready, including her daughter's dislike for puffy dresses, which adds a humorous touch to the situation. Despite some minor dress-related meltdowns, the family manages to get ready for the big day.

As the video progresses, we see glimpses of the family getting dressed up and the little details they've added to make the day feel special. With a table set up for the ceremony and personalized touches like photos from their engagement and a customized menu, the family creates a memorable setting for their intimate celebration.

The narrator explains the decision to have a civil wedding in the States before their destination wedding in Mexico. This legal aspect adds a layer of complexity to the wedding planning process, but the family tackles it with a lighthearted attitude, making the best of the situation.

Towards the end of the video, we see the family enjoying the company of their close relatives, reminiscing about past experiences, and looking forward to the future. Despite some dress mishaps and last-minute changes, they manage to celebrate this special moment surrounded by love and laughter.

Overall, 'WE'RE MARRIED!' is a heartwarming and relatable video that captures the joy, chaos, and love that comes with preparing for a wedding, especially when kids are involved. It's a reminder that even the most unexpected challenges can lead to beautiful and unforgettable moments shared with family and loved ones

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