
Breakfast in your own pool! Crete holiday vlog with my girlfriend!



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🔥😍Breakfast in our own pool! Crete vacation vlog with my girlfriend!

Hey guys, what an adventure we're having here in Crete! After the illegal Summer Games, we decided to stay a few more days and take you all along. So, we're starting right away with the search for our room - a little adventure in itself, as we have to take a slanted gondola or cable car to get there. Finally arrived, we open the door to our room and what do we see? A small private pool! Simply amazing!

We explore the room, the bathroom, and of course, the complimentary extras we take with us - from sunscreen to Crocs and a slice of pizza. Yes, really, a slice of pizza as a souvenir! The room is perfectly equipped for the holiday and we're already excited for everything that's still to come.

We head out for lunch, but first, we take a look at the Fitness Challenge that we're facing. Just 4 kilos to go until the grand finale - so it's all about staying focused! After a delicious lunch, we take a leisurely walk along the beach and relax in the warming sun.

In the evening, a great buffet and live music await us - simply wonderful! The next day, we spend the entire day chilling in the pool before heading to the city center. Some shopping and sightseeing are on the agenda, and we enjoy the atmosphere around Rethymno.

But the highlight comes the next morning: Breakfast in our own pool! Yes, you heard right. A floating breakfast with everything your heart desires - from eggs to bacon to salmon sandwiches. And to top it off, even milkshakes are chilled in the water - simply fantastic!

Overall, our Crete vacation vlog was a real highlight. Full of adventure, amazing views, and delicious food. If you want to see more of our travels and experiences, feel free to subscribe to my channel for more vlogs and exciting adventures. See you soon, yours [Name]! 😍🏖️🌴

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