
The USA will deport 'gatecrashers' from the Copa America!!!



This video has been trending in Spain, and El Salvador


In an unexpected turn of events, the United States has decided to take drastic measures against the 'gatecrashers' who infiltrated the Copa America final. And we're not just talking about those ingenious individuals who entered through the ventilation ducts (yes, Colombians, we are looking at you!), but all those who entered without a ticket on July 14 to witness the thrilling match between Argentina and Colombia.

The desire to watch the match led a group of fans to cause stampedes in a desperate attempt to enter the stadium. US authorities, initially somewhat ineffective, have managed to identify between 7,000 and 8,000 of these 'gatecrashers' thanks to biometric recognition cameras and videos on social media.

The problem now escalates, as identified fans with permanent residency in the US could face the revocation of their residency permit and even deportation from the country. Those who entered the US with a tourist visa for the event also risk losing their visa and being banned from entering the country for years. Possible criminal charges have been mentioned that could result in prison time.

In summary, the prank of sneaking into the Copa America final could have more serious consequences than expected for those who attempted to enter without permission. Let it serve as a lesson for future sporting events and may the excitement not lead us to break the law! Until the next prank, dear football 'gatecrashers'!

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