
The Acolyte - re:View



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In 'The Acolyte - re:View,' Rich and Mike set out to discuss the latest installment in the Star Wars universe. Rich acknowledges Mike's disdain for Star Wars, Jedi, and the current discourse surrounding the franchise. The conversation meanders from the show's plot to political themes, and even delves into the cultural significance of science fiction storytelling.

Initially, Rich expresses his interest in the clash of cultures and the online response to 'The Acolyte.' He mentions the incorporation of lesbian space witches in the series and the subsequent uproar surrounding it. Mike, however, views the show as highly mediocre and questions the relevance of political discourse in film criticism.

The duo then engage in a spirited debate about the importance of political messaging in film. Rich argues that the quality of storytelling should be the primary focus, regardless of the political themes presented. He cites examples like the original 'Ghostbusters' and 'RoboCop,' which convey opposing political ideals yet are acclaimed films.

As the discussion continues, Rich contemplates the idea that not all science fiction needs to mirror societal issues. He reflects on the pervasive debates around 'woke' content and progressive diversity in modern media. Mike agrees that engaging storytelling should take precedence over overly politicized messaging in science fiction narratives.

Overall, the review of 'The Acolyte' becomes a platform for exploring broader themes of storytelling, political discourse, and the evolving landscape of entertainment. The conversation highlights the complexities of incorporating political themes in media while emphasizing the importance of narrative quality and emotional engagement

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