
Mr. McMahon | Official Trailer | Netflix



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Mr. McMahon chronicles the rise and fall of Vince McMahon, a controversial businessman and co-founder of WWE. The six-episode series explores McMahon's transformation of WWE from a small regional business into a global entertainment powerhouse, as well as the explosive sexual misconduct allegations that ultimately led to his resignation. Featuring interviews with McMahon, his family, business associates, iconic figures in wrestling history, and journalists who uncovered the allegations, the series offers an in-depth look at McMahon's life and his impact on the wrestling industry. Filmmaker Chris Smith (Tiger King) and executive producer Bill Simmons (30 for 30) present a candid portrayal of this enigmatic figure in sports entertainment.

Watch on Netflix: [Mr. McMahon on Netflix](

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[Mr. McMahon | Official Trailer | Netflix](

WWE saw both remarkable success and significant challenges during Vince McMahon's tenure. This docuseries explores the highs and lows of his controversial reign

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