
Congresswoman Caught in Hit and Run


Fox Nation

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Title: Shocking Video: Congresswoman Caught in Hit and Run Drama

In a dramatic turn of events caught on camera, a video titled 'Congresswoman Caught in Hit and Run' has stirred up quite a buzz in the entertainment world. The footage shows a heart-stopping moment as a man on a bike is struck by a black SUV in a hit-and-run incident involving Jersey City councilwoman Amy Dej.

As the video unfolds, we see the man on the bike traveling south approach a red light and proceed through it, only to be violently hit by the SUV driven by Amy Dej. The impact throws the cyclist into the air, leaving viewers gasping in shock as the callous driver continues through the green light without even tapping the brakes.

Despite the intense collision, the cyclist miraculously manages to rise to his feet and limp to the sidewalk before calling 911 for help. The harrowing scene unfolds as he reports the hit-and-run incident at the corner of Martin Luther King and Forest, detailing the vehicle involved and identifying the driver as councilwoman Amy Dej.

The video culminates in Dej turning herself in to the police six hours after the crime, shedding light on the unfolding scandal surrounding a public figure's involvement in such a reckless act. The shocking twist in the story has left audiences on the edge of their seats, eagerly following the news updates and developments in this unfolding saga.

The real-life drama captured in the video serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictable and often shocking events that can unfold in our world, even involving prominent figures in public office. Stay tuned for more updates as the investigation into the hit-and-run incident involving Congresswoman Amy Dej continues to unravel in the world of entertainment news.

Stay tuned for more updates as this gripping saga unfolds, proving once again that truth can be stranger than fiction in the world of entertainment

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