
eBay made their lives hell



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eBay made their lives a living hell: a story of passionate bloggers targeted.

In today's digital world, it's not uncommon to see large companies react aggressively to online criticisms. However, the story of David and Ina, founders of the online commerce blog auction [__], shows just how far things can go.

It all started in the 90s, when David and Ina, antique enthusiasts, decided to create a blog dedicated to online commerce to share their expertise and help people navigate this new world. Through their blog, they carved out a place in the online commerce sphere, even becoming spokespeople for both sellers and buyers.

However, their relationship with eBay, one of the largest online auction platforms, took a dark turn in 2008. Following their criticisms of technical issues and bugs on the platform, eBay reduced its cooperation with them, threatening their reputation.

Things took an even darker turn in 2009, when David and Ina discovered that an eBay executive was using fake profiles to discredit them on their blog. This battle of influence escalated, leading eBay to try to silence them by filing a phishing complaint, a baseless accusation ultimately withdrawn out of fear of retaliation.

Despite these pressures and threats, David and Ina chose to remain professional and objective in their posts, continuing to ask pertinent questions to eBay's communication team. However, their access to this information was abruptly cut off, leaving a cloud of uncertainty over their business.

This story underscores the importance of online freedom of expression and highlights the risks faced by those who dare to criticize large companies. David and Ina showed remarkable resilience in this difficult situation, maintaining their integrity and professionalism despite the attacks they faced.

Ultimately, eBay made their lives a true hell, but this ordeal also revealed the strength of character and passion for their craft that drive David and Ina. A lesson in integrity and perseverance in the sometimes ruthless world of online commerce

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