QUI A VOLÉ MON iPHONE? *Jeu de Clue*
Jordan Matter
Cette vidéo a été tendance en Royaume-Uni, en États-Unis, en Australie, en Canada, en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, en Autriche et en Allemagne
New beauty vlog on Salish's channel: "What's In My Makeup Bag?" https://www.youtube.com/@salishmatter
Follow the Altadena Girls on Instagram- teen girls helping their community rebuild: https://www.instagram.com/altadenagirls
If you can, please donate to LA Firefighters: https://supportlafd.org/
Are you #TeamSalish or #TeamJordan? Sign up for our FREE Team Salish text thread and you can help us decide what videos to film, see BTS photos and videos, and be the first to know when we’ve got something special happening: https://joinsubtext.com/teamsalish
Nick: https://www.youtube.com/@NickCannon
Del: https://www.tiktok.com/tag/delritacoleman
Rohan: https://www.instagram.com/rohanthomp
Ari: https://www.instagram.com/aricogen
Collin: https://www.instagram.com/collin_maple
Sandy: https://www.instagram.com/sandychasefilm
Jordan: https://www.instagram.com/jordanmatter
Say and dad: https://www.youtube.com/@jordanmatter
Salish vlogs: https://www.youtube.com/@salishmatter
Nick Cannon: https://www.youtube.com/@NickCannon
Follow us on Instagram:
Salish: https://www.instagram.com/salishmatter
Me: https://www.instagram.com/jordanmatter
Thumbnail design: @aamirdzn (twitter)
Subscribe to my Photo Challenges channel to see FATHER VS DAUGHTER: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvXY38EnvMGZCDBNMmbJBzQ
MERCH: https://shopjordanmatter.com/
Business Inquiries: info@jordanmatter.com
Music licensed through Artlist and Epidemic Sound
Wow, if you're still reading you are awesome! BOOOMMMM!!
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