Godzilla contre King Kong. Epic Rap Battles of History
Cette vidéo a été tendance en Canada, en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, en États-Unis et en Royaume-Uni
Godzilla vs King Kong. Epic Rap Battles of History
Tickets for our UK & NL live shows on sale now: ►► http://www.erbofhistory.com
To join the ERB Patreon crew please go to: ►► http://patreon.com/erb
Huge thank you to our existing ERB Patrons! We truly couldn’t make these battles without your input and support. For reals, it’s really fun, you'll like it!
Smash this ►► https://shorturl.at/jpu46 to listen to the Godzilla vs King Kong audio on all good streaming platforms.
Epic Rap Battles of History: Godzilla vs King Kong.
Two of the biggest and best franchises in monster history finally get their own ERB video! Whether you're a Godzilla fan or a Kong Kong fan (or both!) we hope you love this creature feature!
The Behind The Scenes video will be coming at a later date to youtube.com/ERB2
UK & NL Tour Dates & Tickets on sale now over at the ERB Official Website:
►►► https://erbofhistory.com
Official ERB Merch is officially found here:
►►► https://erbmerch.com
Check out our Studio.com Class on how to write & record your own rap battles:
►►► http://studio.com/ERB
Psst…if you haven’t done so already, please don't forget to subscribe to our channel.
Below is a link to make it easy for you…well easier, it was already pretty easy before.
►►► https://bit.ly/2zBQU53
Who won? Who’s next? You decide!
Thank you to everybody watching and supporting us!
np & eL
#epicrapbattlesofhistory #epicrapbattles #erb #godzilla #kingkong #tokyoplait
Godzilla: Nice Peter
King Kong: EpicLLOYD
IG @theepiclloyd
Directed by Nice Peter
Produced by Atul Singh
Executive Producers: Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD
Animation and VFX: Nice Peter and Charlie Miller
Additional VFX and Digital Cinematography: Jonathan Na
Motion Capture sessions: EpicLloyd, Nice Peter, Jon Na & Atul Singh
Written by Nice Peter, EpicLLOYD, Zach Sherwin, Ed Monk, Freshy Kanal, Frak, Random, Carter Deems, Isaac Knox and the many most excellent contributors of our Patreon Writers Crew. Thank you to everybody who was involved in making this one!
Beat Produced by: Allrounda + ERB
Mixed by: Nice Peter
Mastered by: Nate Middleman
Special thanks to Oleg Kolgatin, Dary Palasky, Freshy Kanal, Cory Strassburger, SilverTM, Cattus SP & Anil Isbiliir.
Xsens Suit by Movella
Stretchsense Gloves
Unreal Engine 5.2
Recorded and mixed in Pro Tools
KeEp iN TOuch WitH Erb OnliNe!
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