
A YouTuber Made the Most Insane Animated Movie Ever


Kurtis Conner

This video has been trending in United Kingdom, United States, Canada, and Papua New Guinea

In the most epic, insane, and downright ridiculous animated movie ever, a YouTuber named Kobi Productions takes on the challenge of creating a full-length animated film titled 'Our Drawings.' If you thought you've seen it all, well, get ready for a wild ride of commentary, confusion, and sheer disbelief.

The movie opens with a narration about an adventurous woman named Paige Foster, who can bring her drawings to life and travel inside them. But wait, hold on a second, did she wish for that ability or to walk again after being in a wheelchair? The script is a rollercoaster of inconsistencies and mind-boggling moments that will leave you questioning reality.

As the story unfolds, we're introduced to beatboxing puppies, evil wizards, and existential debates about art and life. Kobi Productions takes us on a journey filled with nonsensical dialogue, bizarre plot twists, and characters that make you scratch your head in confusion.

With voice acting that ranges from Cartman impressions to wise stick figures and a beatboxing dog that leaves you wondering 'what in the world is happening,' this movie is a whirlwind of chaos and unexpected surprises.

Despite its six-year production time and claims of being on par with Disney and DreamWorks, 'Our Drawings' leaves viewers with more questions than answers. But hey, at least we can all agree that thick alien drawings and gas leaks are not what we signed up for.

So, if you're in the mood for a good laugh and some utter absurdity, buckle up and dive into the world of 'Our Drawings.' Just remember, a beatboxing puppy and existential debates about art may be closer to reality than you think

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