
Everybody wants to waste your time


Drew Gooden

This video has been trending in United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, Papua New Guinea, and Austria

Ah, the wacky world of online content and its ability to make us chuckle and shake our heads at the same time. In a recent video titled 'Everybody Wants to Waste Your Time,' viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of confusion and mild annoyance.

The video kicks off with dramatic music setting the stage for what seems like a suspenseful scene, only to reveal a series of bizarre interviews that leave everyone scratching their heads. From a guy named John who has no clue about a supposed serial killer, to a tangent about working at Hobby Lobby, the video takes unexpected turns at every corner.

As the interviews drag on longer than they should, the main character questions why everything these days seems designed to waste our time. From overly long Netflix documentaries to drawn-out YouTube videos, it's a comedy of errors as the protagonist hilariously laments about the repetitive nature of online content.

The video delves into the world of documentaries, highlighting the frustration of filler content and pointless interviews that seem to stretch out a story needlessly. The protagonist hilariously points out the absurdity of featuring internet enthusiasts as experts and the tendency to overcomplicate simple stories.

In a tongue-in-cheek manner, the video sheds light on the questionable decisions made by content creators and platforms, poking fun at the idea that everything is meticulously planned to keep us engaged for as long as possible. The protagonist's witty observations and humorous commentary make for a delightful and relatable viewing experience.

So, the next time you find yourself sinking hours into a seemingly never-ending series or wondering why that YouTube video just won't get to the point, remember that sometimes, the best way to cope with the madness of modern content consumption is to sit back, relax, and embrace the absurdity with a good old laugh. It's all part of the comedy that is the internet. Happy viewing!

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