
Boomers Getting Tricked By AI On Facebook


Danny Gonzalez

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Ah, the world of Boomers getting tricked by AI on Facebook - a comedic goldmine that never fails to crack me up. If you haven't plunged into this delightful abyss yet, buckle up because things are about to get wild.

Picture this: an innocent scroll through Facebook and suddenly you stumble upon an image that makes you take a double-take. Dogs posing like they are in the middle of a ritual? Check. A dog seemingly sitting on another dog or melting into one? Double check. But wait, it gets better - a half-dog, half-human baby that might have been cursed by a witch? Oh, the horror!

As you dive deeper into the bizarre world of AI-generated images, you start to notice a trend. Kids sculpting mind-blowing creations out of trash, eliciting comments like 'Great work! Keep it up!' But hold on a second, did anyone actually ask these kids to build these marvels? 'You looking good in your picture,' said one commenter, shooting their shot at the, er, interesting photos.

And let's not forget the garlic Kingpin kid, armed with a stash of garlic that could rival any vampire-protected fortress. This kid ain't stealing hearts, he's stealing garlic! And then there's Sam with his totally normal house that definitely doesn't have any sinister plans to devour him.

But as you keep scrolling, you realize that these images are just the tip of the iceberg. From sculptures made of diamonds to bunnies crafted out of mutated bananas, the insanity knows no bounds. It's like the AI had a prompt and just kept building on it until things got downright bonkers.

And while you're busy chuckling at these absurdities, let me take a moment to talk about today's sponsor, Opera browser. Just like these AI images on Facebook, Opera browses like nobody's business! Plus, it comes with an ad blocker to save you from the digital chaos of ads popping up everywhere. Smooth browsing, faster speeds - what more could you ask for?

So, the next time you find yourself face to face with a half-dog, half-human baby or a garlic Kingpin kid, remember to keep the laughter going. After all, comedy truly shines in the weirdest corners of the internet

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